The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority is an autonomous body
endowed with the responsibility of prescribing regulations and
procedures for public procurements by Federal Government owned
public sector organizations with a view to improve governance,
management, transparency, accountability and quality of public
procurement of goods, works and services. It is also endowed with
the responsibility of monitoring procurement by public sector
agencies/organizations and has been delegated necessary powers under
the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Ordinance 2002.
Managing Director's Profile
Mr. Hasnat Ahmed Qureshi is Managing Director of Public
Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) since 27th May, 2024. He
is an officer of Pakistan Audit and Accounts Services with 28
years of experience in public sector accounting, auditing,
financial management and general administration. He holds Master
degrees in Public Economic Management & Finance (UK) Human
Resources, Management (Canada) and Executive MBA in Project
Management (Pakistan). Read
more... |

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