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DM/FW/T-01-2025", "description": "Procurement and Installation of the 20NOs.", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "procurementMethodRationale": "Not Available", "awardCriteria": "Not Available", "awardCriteriaDetails": "Not Available", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2025-02-07T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "durationInDays": 0 }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" } } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-556382", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-556382-00001-02-tender", "language": "en", "date": "2025-02-07T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tender" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-556382-00001-01-tender", "title": "TENDER NOTICE NO. DM/FW/T-01-2025", "description": "INVITATION FOR BIDS TENDER NOTICE NO. DM/FW/T-01-2025 Name of Work: Procurement and Installation of the 20NOs. CCTV Cameras alongwith allied accessories at 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad. 1. National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC), �the Employer� responsible for development and control of power transmission system in the country, invites sealed bids through �Single Stage Single Envelope Procedure� on National Competitive Bidding (NCB) basis from eligible firms as defined under IB-3 of Instructions to Bidders of the Bidding Documents, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Tax payers List of the Federal Board of Revenue.The brief scope of work is tabulated below: TenderNO. Description Completion Period Date & Time TENDER NOTICE NO. DM/FW/T-01-2025 Procurement and Installation of the 20NOs. CCTV Cameras alongwith allied accessories at 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad 30-Days from the date of the Purchase Order Submission of Bids: 25th February 2025 At 11:30AM Opening of Bids: 25th February 2025 At 12:30 PM 2. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, etc. are available at the following address during office hours w.e.f03rd February 2025 to 24thFebrurary 2025. Office of the Deputy Manager, 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad. 8KM Painsra-Bhoawana Road Chak No.201/JB Bhowana Telephone No. 92 -335-7401540 Email: 500kvwestntdc@gmail.com 3. Price of the bidding documents is Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousanad Rupees Only) the method of payment will be by a non-refundable fee in form of cash. 4. The Bidder should have successfully completed 02 Nos. similar nature works within last 05-Years along with documentary evidence for which the contractor/bidder will submit completion certificates for the issuance of bidding documents. 5. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in an amount not less than PKR 75,000/- in the form of CDR or Pay Order from a Bank in Pakistan. NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Deputy Manager 500KV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad 6. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at above address on or before 25th February at 11:30 AM. The bids will be opened on the same day at 12:30 PM. This advertisement is also available on PPRA and NTDC websites (www.ppra.org.pk&www.ntdc.com.pk). 7. NTDC reserves all rights regarding rejection of bids as defined in Clause 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004. 8. The bidder should not be blacklisted from NTDC, DISCO or any Government organization at the time of bidding. Deputy Manager 500KV Grid Station NTDCL West Faisalabad. ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2025-02-07T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2025-02-25T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2025-02-07T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2025-02-25T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "hasEnquiries": false, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 192635", "datePublished": "2025-02-07T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-556382", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-556382-00001-03-tenderAmendment", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tenderAmendment" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-556382-00001-01-tender", "title": "TENDER NOTICE NO. DM/FW/T-01-2025", "description": "INVITATION FOR BIDS TENDER NOTICE NO. DM/FW/T-01-2025 Name of Work: Procurement and Installation of the 20NOs. CCTV Cameras alongwith allied accessories at 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad. 1. National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC), �the Employer� responsible for development and control of power transmission system in the country, invites sealed bids through �Single Stage Single Envelope Procedure� on National Competitive Bidding (NCB) basis from eligible firms as defined under IB-3 of Instructions to Bidders of the Bidding Documents, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Tax payers List of the Federal Board of Revenue.The brief scope of work is tabulated below: TenderNO. Description Completion Period Date & Time TENDER NOTICE NO. DM/FW/T-01-2025 Procurement and Installation of the 20NOs. CCTV Cameras alongwith allied accessories at 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad 30-Days from the date of the Purchase Order Submission of Bids: 25th February 2025 At 11:30AM Opening of Bids: 25th February 2025 At 12:30 PM 2. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, etc. are available at the following address during office hours w.e.f03rd February 2025 to 24thFebrurary 2025. Office of the Deputy Manager, 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad. 8KM Painsra-Bhoawana Road Chak No.201/JB Bhowana Telephone No. 92 -335-7401540 Email: 500kvwestntdc@gmail.com 3. Price of the bidding documents is Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousanad Rupees Only) the method of payment will be by a non-refundable fee in form of cash. 4. The Bidder should have successfully completed 02 Nos. similar nature works within last 05-Years along with documentary evidence for which the contractor/bidder will submit completion certificates for the issuance of bidding documents. 5. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in an amount not less than PKR 75,000/- in the form of CDR or Pay Order from a Bank in Pakistan. NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Deputy Manager 500KV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad 6. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at above address on or before 25th February at 11:30 AM. The bids will be opened on the same day at 12:30 PM. This advertisement is also available on PPRA and NTDC websites (www.ppra.org.pk&www.ntdc.com.pk). 7. NTDC reserves all rights regarding rejection of bids as defined in Clause 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004. 8. The bidder should not be blacklisted from NTDC, DISCO or any Government organization at the time of bidding. Deputy Manager 500KV Grid Station NTDCL West Faisalabad. 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DM/FW/T-01-2025", "description": "INVITATION FOR BIDS TENDER NOTICE NO. DM/FW/T-01-2025 Name of Work: Procurement and Installation of the 20NOs. CCTV Cameras alongwith allied accessories at 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad. 1. National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC), �the Employer� responsible for development and control of power transmission system in the country, invites sealed bids through �Single Stage Single Envelope Procedure� on National Competitive Bidding (NCB) basis from eligible firms as defined under IB-3 of Instructions to Bidders of the Bidding Documents, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Tax payers List of the Federal Board of Revenue.The brief scope of work is tabulated below: TenderNO. Description Completion Period Date & Time TENDER NOTICE NO. DM/FW/T-01-2025 Procurement and Installation of the 20NOs. CCTV Cameras alongwith allied accessories at 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad 30-Days from the date of the Purchase Order Submission of Bids: 25th February 2025 At 11:30AM Opening of Bids: 25th February 2025 At 12:30 PM 2. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, etc. are available at the following address during office hours w.e.f03rd February 2025 to 24thFebrurary 2025. Office of the Deputy Manager, 500kV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad. 8KM Painsra-Bhoawana Road Chak No.201/JB Bhowana Telephone No. 92 -335-7401540 Email: 500kvwestntdc@gmail.com 3. Price of the bidding documents is Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousanad Rupees Only) the method of payment will be by a non-refundable fee in form of cash. 4. The Bidder should have successfully completed 02 Nos. similar nature works within last 05-Years along with documentary evidence for which the contractor/bidder will submit completion certificates for the issuance of bidding documents. 5. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in an amount not less than PKR 75,000/- in the form of CDR or Pay Order from a Bank in Pakistan. NATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED Deputy Manager 500KV Grid Station NTDC West Faisalabad 6. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at above address on or before 25th February at 11:30 AM. The bids will be opened on the same day at 12:30 PM. This advertisement is also available on PPRA and NTDC websites (www.ppra.org.pk&www.ntdc.com.pk). 7. NTDC reserves all rights regarding rejection of bids as defined in Clause 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004. 8. The bidder should not be blacklisted from NTDC, DISCO or any Government organization at the time of bidding. Deputy Manager 500KV Grid Station NTDCL West Faisalabad. 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