{ "version": "1.1", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/api/index.php/ocds/record/555249", "publishedDate": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "publisher": { "name": "Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Pakistan", "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "uid": "0", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk" }, "license": "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/", "publicationPolicy": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/pguidelines.pdf", "releases": [ { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-555249", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-01-planning", "language": "en", "date": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "planning" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "planning": { "budget": { "id": "", "description": "Not Available", "amount": { "amount": null, "currency": "PKR" }, "project": "Not Available", "projectID": "Not Available", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk" }, "rationale": "Not Available", "documents": [ { "id": "1.0", "documentType": "procurementPlan", "title": "National Transmission and Despatch Company - Procurement Plan", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ], "milestones": [] }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-01-planning", "title": "XEN-I-EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025)", "description": "FOR PURCHASE/PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE/CONNECTORS", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "procurementMethodRationale": "Not Available", "awardCriteria": "Not Available", "awardCriteriaDetails": "Not Available", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "durationInDays": 0 }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" } } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-555249", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-02-tender", "language": "en", "date": "2025-01-20T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tender" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-01-tender", "title": "XEN-I-EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025)", "description": "Reference invitation notice for the above tender uploaded on PPRA site and published in national dailies Daily �Khabrain� and �Business Recorder� on 18.01.2025, following amendments are being made. The title of the procurement is changed as: �FOR PURCHASE/PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE/CONNECTORS AND MISCELLENEOUS MATERIAL AGAINST NAC ISSUED BY CE (SS DESIGN) NTDC REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF 01 NO 220KV/132KV 160MVA AUTO TRANSFORMER (SIEMENS MAKE) AT 500/220KV GRID STATION GENCO-II NTDC GUDDU� _____________________________________________ NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER BID REFERENCE NO. XEN-I-EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025) 1-National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited (NTDC) "the Employer", intends to get the Procurement/Works done for (TENDER NO. XEN-I EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025) through NTDC own resources. The Scope of works includes the following: FOR PURCHASE/PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE/CONNECTORS AGAINST NAC ISSUED BY CE (SS DESIGN) NTDC REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF 01 NO 220KV/132KV 160MVA AUTO TRANSFORMER (SIEMENS MAKE) AT 500/220KV GRID STATION GENCO-II NTDC GUDDU 2-The Employer invites sealed bids through "Single Stage Single Envelope (SSSE) Procedure" on Local Competitive Bidding (LCB) basis from eligible firms as defined under IB-3 of Instructions to Bidders of the Bidding Documents, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Tax payers List of the Federal Board of Revenue. 3-All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount not less than 2% of total bid price in Pak. Rupees in the form of Deposit at Call or a Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in favor of the Employer valid for a period up to Twenty- Eight (28) days beyond the bid validity date. 4-The bidder/Supplier should have successfully completed 03 Nos. similar nature works of material supply for 220KV or above voltage level within last 05 years along with documentary evidence for which the contractor/bidder will submit the completion certificates for issuance of bidding documents. 5-The complete set of bidding documents containing all terms & Conditions etc, can be purchased from the office of XEN EHV-II Construction Division, NTDC, House No. 585 A- Block Shah Rukan e Alam Multan for fee of Rs. 2000/- (Non-Refundable) on cash payment or Bank Draft from any schedule bank in XEN (Construction) EHV-II,NTDC Multan, one day before the opening of tender, during the office hours. 6-The bids prepared in accordance with instructions in the bidding documents must be delivered to the above office on or before February 10, 2025 at 11:00 Hours and Bids will be opened at 11:30 hours on the same day, in presence of Bidders Representatives who choose to attend at the same address. NTDC reserves its rights regarding rejection of bids as defined in clause 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ,EHV-II NTDC DIVN MULTAN.", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2025-02-10T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2025-02-10T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "hasEnquiries": false, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 192164", "datePublished": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-555249", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-03-tenderAmendment", "language": "en", "date": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tenderAmendment" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-01-tender", "title": "XEN-I-EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025)", "description": "Reference invitation notice for the above tender uploaded on PPRA site and published in national dailies Daily �Khabrain� and �Business Recorder� on 18.01.2025, following amendments are being made. The title of the procurement is changed as: �FOR PURCHASE/PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE/CONNECTORS AND MISCELLENEOUS MATERIAL AGAINST NAC ISSUED BY CE (SS DESIGN) NTDC REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF 01 NO 220KV/132KV 160MVA AUTO TRANSFORMER (SIEMENS MAKE) AT 500/220KV GRID STATION GENCO-II NTDC GUDDU� _____________________________________________ NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER BID REFERENCE NO. XEN-I-EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025) 1-National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited (NTDC) "the Employer", intends to get the Procurement/Works done for (TENDER NO. XEN-I EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025) through NTDC own resources. The Scope of works includes the following: FOR PURCHASE/PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE/CONNECTORS AGAINST NAC ISSUED BY CE (SS DESIGN) NTDC REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF 01 NO 220KV/132KV 160MVA AUTO TRANSFORMER (SIEMENS MAKE) AT 500/220KV GRID STATION GENCO-II NTDC GUDDU 2-The Employer invites sealed bids through "Single Stage Single Envelope (SSSE) Procedure" on Local Competitive Bidding (LCB) basis from eligible firms as defined under IB-3 of Instructions to Bidders of the Bidding Documents, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Tax payers List of the Federal Board of Revenue. 3-All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount not less than 2% of total bid price in Pak. Rupees in the form of Deposit at Call or a Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in favor of the Employer valid for a period up to Twenty- Eight (28) days beyond the bid validity date. 4-The bidder/Supplier should have successfully completed 03 Nos. similar nature works of material supply for 220KV or above voltage level within last 05 years along with documentary evidence for which the contractor/bidder will submit the completion certificates for issuance of bidding documents. 5-The complete set of bidding documents containing all terms & Conditions etc, can be purchased from the office of XEN EHV-II Construction Division, NTDC, House No. 585 A- Block Shah Rukan e Alam Multan for fee of Rs. 2000/- (Non-Refundable) on cash payment or Bank Draft from any schedule bank in XEN (Construction) EHV-II,NTDC Multan, one day before the opening of tender, during the office hours. 6-The bids prepared in accordance with instructions in the bidding documents must be delivered to the above office on or before February 10, 2025 at 11:00 Hours and Bids will be opened at 11:30 hours on the same day, in presence of Bidders Representatives who choose to attend at the same address. NTDC reserves its rights regarding rejection of bids as defined in clause 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ,EHV-II NTDC DIVN MULTAN.", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2025-02-10T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2025-02-10T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays":0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "hasEnquiries": true, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 192164", "datePublished": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ], "amendments": [ { "date": "2025-02-03T00:00:00Z", "rationale": "", "id": "1.0", "description": "Not Available", "amendsReleaseID": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-01-tender", "releaseID": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-03-tenderAmendment" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-555249", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-04-award", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "award" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } }, { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available", "roles": [ "supplier" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK", "id": "1", "legalName": "Not Available" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Not Available", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Not Available" } }, { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "tenderer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-01-tender", "title": "XEN-I-EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025)", "description": "Reference invitation notice for the above tender uploaded on PPRA site and published in national dailies Daily �Khabrain� and �Business Recorder� on 18.01.2025, following amendments are being made. The title of the procurement is changed as: �FOR PURCHASE/PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE/CONNECTORS AND MISCELLENEOUS MATERIAL AGAINST NAC ISSUED BY CE (SS DESIGN) NTDC REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF 01 NO 220KV/132KV 160MVA AUTO TRANSFORMER (SIEMENS MAKE) AT 500/220KV GRID STATION GENCO-II NTDC GUDDU� _____________________________________________ NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER BID REFERENCE NO. XEN-I-EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025) 1-National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited (NTDC) "the Employer", intends to get the Procurement/Works done for (TENDER NO. XEN-I EHV-II NTDC MN-08 (2024-2025) through NTDC own resources. The Scope of works includes the following: FOR PURCHASE/PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE/CONNECTORS AGAINST NAC ISSUED BY CE (SS DESIGN) NTDC REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF 01 NO 220KV/132KV 160MVA AUTO TRANSFORMER (SIEMENS MAKE) AT 500/220KV GRID STATION GENCO-II NTDC GUDDU 2-The Employer invites sealed bids through "Single Stage Single Envelope (SSSE) Procedure" on Local Competitive Bidding (LCB) basis from eligible firms as defined under IB-3 of Instructions to Bidders of the Bidding Documents, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Tax payers List of the Federal Board of Revenue. 3-All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount not less than 2% of total bid price in Pak. Rupees in the form of Deposit at Call or a Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in favor of the Employer valid for a period up to Twenty- Eight (28) days beyond the bid validity date. 4-The bidder/Supplier should have successfully completed 03 Nos. similar nature works of material supply for 220KV or above voltage level within last 05 years along with documentary evidence for which the contractor/bidder will submit the completion certificates for issuance of bidding documents. 5-The complete set of bidding documents containing all terms & Conditions etc, can be purchased from the office of XEN EHV-II Construction Division, NTDC, House No. 585 A- Block Shah Rukan e Alam Multan for fee of Rs. 2000/- (Non-Refundable) on cash payment or Bank Draft from any schedule bank in XEN (Construction) EHV-II,NTDC Multan, one day before the opening of tender, during the office hours. 6-The bids prepared in accordance with instructions in the bidding documents must be delivered to the above office on or before February 10, 2025 at 11:00 Hours and Bids will be opened at 11:30 hours on the same day, in presence of Bidders Representatives who choose to attend at the same address. NTDC reserves its rights regarding rejection of bids as defined in clause 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ,EHV-II NTDC DIVN MULTAN.", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "numberOfTenderers": 0, "hasEnquiries": true, "tenderers": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" } ] }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "0", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ] }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-555249", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-05-contract", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "contract" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ], "contracts": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-contract-01", "awardID": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "period": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "dateSigned": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "documents": [ { "id": "8.0", "documentType": "contractSigned", "title": "Signed Contract", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ] }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-555249", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-06-implementation", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "implementation" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ] } ], "contracts": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-contract-01", "awardID": "ocds-8kte1o-555249-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "period": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "dateSigned": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" } ] } ] }