{ "version": "1.1", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/api/index.php/ocds/record/551230", "publishedDate": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "publisher": { "name": "Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Pakistan", "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "uid": "0", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk" }, "license": "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/", "publicationPolicy": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/pguidelines.pdf", "releases": [ { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-551230", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-01-planning", "language": "en", "date": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "planning" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "planning": { "budget": { "id": "", "description": "Not Available", "amount": { "amount": null, "currency": "PKR" }, "project": "Not Available", "projectID": "Not Available", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk" }, "rationale": "Not Available", "documents": [ { "id": "1.0", "documentType": "procurementPlan", "title": "National Transmission and Despatch Company - Procurement Plan", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ], "milestones": [] }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-01-planning", "title": "TENDER NO.1/2024/TLM DIVISION NTDC TARBELA", "description": "RE-ROUTING OF VULNERABLE POSITION", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "procurementMethodRationale": "Not Available", "awardCriteria": "Not Available", "awardCriteriaDetails": "Not Available", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "durationInDays": 0 }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" } } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-551230", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-02-tender", "language": "en", "date": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tender" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-01-tender", "title": "TENDER NO.1/2024/TLM DIVISION NTDC TARBELA", "description": "1. Subject:- RE-ROUTING OF VULNERABLE POSITION OF 500KV TOWER No. 07 OF TARBELA BAROTHA CCT 2 & 500KV TOWER No. 07 OF TARBELA RAWAT CCT LOCATED AT TARBELA DAM AREA (TENDER NO.1/2024/TLM DIVISION NTDC TARBELA) 1. Please float a tender in renowned national dailies and PPRA/NTDC Websites for Re-routing of vulnerable position of 500kv tower no. 07 of Tarbela Barotha cct 2 & 500kv tower no. 07 of Tarbela Rawat cct located at Tarbela dam area. Sr.No. Description of activity Qty Qualification Tender Documents 1 Dismantling of complete 500KV S/C Tower No.TF07 and D/C T.No TR07 & shifting a/w accessories and conductor to NTDC Stores. Lump sum C-5, CE-10 and EE 05 Rs.5000/- (Non Refundable) 2 3 Nos 500KV Tower Foundations (RCC spread type) a/w PCC Retaining wall as per Design Civil and Design T/L NTDC Specs. Lump sum 3 Transportation and Erection of 2Nos S/C New Towers (DGM) and 1No D/C Tower (DD1) a/w all hardware assemblies & welding up to 8 meter height. Lump sum 4 Transportation, Stringing & adjustment of overhead 1.8km shield wire & 1.8km Quad and Tri bundle conductor as per drawing & BOQ. Lump sum TERMS & CONDITION: 1. The Employer invites sealed bids from eligible firms or persons licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropriate category for the above scope of Works. National Competitive Bidding (NCB) will be conducted in accordance with PEC Single Stage- Single Envelope (SSSE) procedure. 2. The contractor should be registered with FBR & Relevant Provincial Revenue Authority with valid NTN & PSTRN Nos. 3. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by an interested Bidder as per experience mentioned below in 3a and 3b on submission of a written application to the undersigned office upon payment of a non�refundable fee of Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) from the date of publication of this tender during office working hours. The method of payment will be by cash or bank draft from any scheduled bank of Pakistan in favor of �Deputy Manager 500KV TL (M) Division NTDC Tarbela�. The bidder should be owner or authorized representative of the contracting firm with power of attorney and valid CNIC of the owner a. The bidder as a main contractor (as single entity or as JV Partner) must have completed construction contracts comprising of construction of RCC Spread foundations, erection of towers, stringing, testing and commissioning of 500kV or high voltage bundled T/Lines of at least 10 KM strung by controlled tension method during last ten years. Such transmission lines must have been operating successfully for at least 02 years prior to deadline for submission of bid. b) In case the bid is submitted by a Joint Venture, lead partner shall meet the above mentioned criteria. Each JV Partner, other than the lead partner, must have completed as a main contractor or approved sub-contractor, construction contractors comprising of construction of RCC Spread foundations, erection of towers, stringing, testing and commissioning of 500kV High voltage bundled T/Lines of at least 10 KM strung by controlled tension method during last 10 years. Such transmission lines must have been operating successfully for at least 02 years prior to deadline for submission of bid. 4. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount not less than 2% of total bid price in Pak Rupees in the form of Deposit at Call or a Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in favor of the Employer valid for a period up to Twenty-Eight (28) days beyond the bid validity date. 5. The bids prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents must be delivered to the undersigned office through courier(TCS)/Registered post/by hand on or before 3rd Dec 2024 at 11:00 hours. Bids will be opened at 11:30 hours on the same day, in the presence of Bidder�s representatives who choose to attend at the same address 6. The Bidder shall submit Maximum time for the tendered work, detail specification, previous work experience & completion certificates along with tender documents. 7. All Taxes/ duties shall be deducted from the bill of the firm at prescribed rate notified by the WAPDA/NTDCL from time to time. 8 . NTDC reserves its right regarding rejection of bids as defined in Rule 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004 (Junaid Khalil) Deputy Manager 500KV T/L (M) Division NTDC Tarbela Address: F-8 Sobra City Tarbela Dam, Ghazi KPK. Tel No. 0995-350231 Email ID: dm500kv@gmail.com ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-12-03T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-12-03T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "hasEnquiries": false, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 190515", "datePublished": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-551230", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-03-tenderAmendment", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tenderAmendment" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-01-tender", "title": "TENDER NO.1/2024/TLM DIVISION NTDC TARBELA", "description": "1. Subject:- RE-ROUTING OF VULNERABLE POSITION OF 500KV TOWER No. 07 OF TARBELA BAROTHA CCT 2 & 500KV TOWER No. 07 OF TARBELA RAWAT CCT LOCATED AT TARBELA DAM AREA (TENDER NO.1/2024/TLM DIVISION NTDC TARBELA) 1. Please float a tender in renowned national dailies and PPRA/NTDC Websites for Re-routing of vulnerable position of 500kv tower no. 07 of Tarbela Barotha cct 2 & 500kv tower no. 07 of Tarbela Rawat cct located at Tarbela dam area. Sr.No. Description of activity Qty Qualification Tender Documents 1 Dismantling of complete 500KV S/C Tower No.TF07 and D/C T.No TR07 & shifting a/w accessories and conductor to NTDC Stores. Lump sum C-5, CE-10 and EE 05 Rs.5000/- (Non Refundable) 2 3 Nos 500KV Tower Foundations (RCC spread type) a/w PCC Retaining wall as per Design Civil and Design T/L NTDC Specs. Lump sum 3 Transportation and Erection of 2Nos S/C New Towers (DGM) and 1No D/C Tower (DD1) a/w all hardware assemblies & welding up to 8 meter height. Lump sum 4 Transportation, Stringing & adjustment of overhead 1.8km shield wire & 1.8km Quad and Tri bundle conductor as per drawing & BOQ. Lump sum TERMS & CONDITION: 1. The Employer invites sealed bids from eligible firms or persons licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropriate category for the above scope of Works. National Competitive Bidding (NCB) will be conducted in accordance with PEC Single Stage- Single Envelope (SSSE) procedure. 2. The contractor should be registered with FBR & Relevant Provincial Revenue Authority with valid NTN & PSTRN Nos. 3. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by an interested Bidder as per experience mentioned below in 3a and 3b on submission of a written application to the undersigned office upon payment of a non�refundable fee of Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) from the date of publication of this tender during office working hours. The method of payment will be by cash or bank draft from any scheduled bank of Pakistan in favor of �Deputy Manager 500KV TL (M) Division NTDC Tarbela�. The bidder should be owner or authorized representative of the contracting firm with power of attorney and valid CNIC of the owner a. The bidder as a main contractor (as single entity or as JV Partner) must have completed construction contracts comprising of construction of RCC Spread foundations, erection of towers, stringing, testing and commissioning of 500kV or high voltage bundled T/Lines of at least 10 KM strung by controlled tension method during last ten years. Such transmission lines must have been operating successfully for at least 02 years prior to deadline for submission of bid. b) In case the bid is submitted by a Joint Venture, lead partner shall meet the above mentioned criteria. Each JV Partner, other than the lead partner, must have completed as a main contractor or approved sub-contractor, construction contractors comprising of construction of RCC Spread foundations, erection of towers, stringing, testing and commissioning of 500kV High voltage bundled T/Lines of at least 10 KM strung by controlled tension method during last 10 years. Such transmission lines must have been operating successfully for at least 02 years prior to deadline for submission of bid. 4. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount not less than 2% of total bid price in Pak Rupees in the form of Deposit at Call or a Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in favor of the Employer valid for a period up to Twenty-Eight (28) days beyond the bid validity date. 5. The bids prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents must be delivered to the undersigned office through courier(TCS)/Registered post/by hand on or before 3rd Dec 2024 at 11:00 hours. Bids will be opened at 11:30 hours on the same day, in the presence of Bidder�s representatives who choose to attend at the same address 6. The Bidder shall submit Maximum time for the tendered work, detail specification, previous work experience & completion certificates along with tender documents. 7. All Taxes/ duties shall be deducted from the bill of the firm at prescribed rate notified by the WAPDA/NTDCL from time to time. 8 . NTDC reserves its right regarding rejection of bids as defined in Rule 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004 (Junaid Khalil) Deputy Manager 500KV T/L (M) Division NTDC Tarbela Address: F-8 Sobra City Tarbela Dam, Ghazi KPK. Tel No. 0995-350231 Email ID: dm500kv@gmail.com ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-12-03T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-12-03T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays":0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "hasEnquiries": true, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 190515", "datePublished": "2024-11-15T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ], "amendments": [ { "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "rationale": "", "id": "1.0", "description": "Not Available", "amendsReleaseID": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-01-tender", "releaseID": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-03-tenderAmendment" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-551230", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-04-award", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "award" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } }, { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available", "roles": [ "supplier" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK", "id": "1", "legalName": "Not Available" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Not Available", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Not Available" } }, { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "tenderer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-551230-00001-01-tender", "title": "TENDER NO.1/2024/TLM DIVISION NTDC TARBELA", "description": "1. Subject:- RE-ROUTING OF VULNERABLE POSITION OF 500KV TOWER No. 07 OF TARBELA BAROTHA CCT 2 & 500KV TOWER No. 07 OF TARBELA RAWAT CCT LOCATED AT TARBELA DAM AREA (TENDER NO.1/2024/TLM DIVISION NTDC TARBELA) 1. Please float a tender in renowned national dailies and PPRA/NTDC Websites for Re-routing of vulnerable position of 500kv tower no. 07 of Tarbela Barotha cct 2 & 500kv tower no. 07 of Tarbela Rawat cct located at Tarbela dam area. Sr.No. Description of activity Qty Qualification Tender Documents 1 Dismantling of complete 500KV S/C Tower No.TF07 and D/C T.No TR07 & shifting a/w accessories and conductor to NTDC Stores. Lump sum C-5, CE-10 and EE 05 Rs.5000/- (Non Refundable) 2 3 Nos 500KV Tower Foundations (RCC spread type) a/w PCC Retaining wall as per Design Civil and Design T/L NTDC Specs. Lump sum 3 Transportation and Erection of 2Nos S/C New Towers (DGM) and 1No D/C Tower (DD1) a/w all hardware assemblies & welding up to 8 meter height. Lump sum 4 Transportation, Stringing & adjustment of overhead 1.8km shield wire & 1.8km Quad and Tri bundle conductor as per drawing & BOQ. Lump sum TERMS & CONDITION: 1. The Employer invites sealed bids from eligible firms or persons licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropriate category for the above scope of Works. National Competitive Bidding (NCB) will be conducted in accordance with PEC Single Stage- Single Envelope (SSSE) procedure. 2. The contractor should be registered with FBR & Relevant Provincial Revenue Authority with valid NTN & PSTRN Nos. 3. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by an interested Bidder as per experience mentioned below in 3a and 3b on submission of a written application to the undersigned office upon payment of a non�refundable fee of Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) from the date of publication of this tender during office working hours. The method of payment will be by cash or bank draft from any scheduled bank of Pakistan in favor of �Deputy Manager 500KV TL (M) Division NTDC Tarbela�. The bidder should be owner or authorized representative of the contracting firm with power of attorney and valid CNIC of the owner a. The bidder as a main contractor (as single entity or as JV Partner) must have completed construction contracts comprising of construction of RCC Spread foundations, erection of towers, stringing, testing and commissioning of 500kV or high voltage bundled T/Lines of at least 10 KM strung by controlled tension method during last ten years. Such transmission lines must have been operating successfully for at least 02 years prior to deadline for submission of bid. b) In case the bid is submitted by a Joint Venture, lead partner shall meet the above mentioned criteria. Each JV Partner, other than the lead partner, must have completed as a main contractor or approved sub-contractor, construction contractors comprising of construction of RCC Spread foundations, erection of towers, stringing, testing and commissioning of 500kV High voltage bundled T/Lines of at least 10 KM strung by controlled tension method during last 10 years. Such transmission lines must have been operating successfully for at least 02 years prior to deadline for submission of bid. 4. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount not less than 2% of total bid price in Pak Rupees in the form of Deposit at Call or a Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in favor of the Employer valid for a period up to Twenty-Eight (28) days beyond the bid validity date. 5. The bids prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents must be delivered to the undersigned office through courier(TCS)/Registered post/by hand on or before 3rd Dec 2024 at 11:00 hours. Bids will be opened at 11:30 hours on the same day, in the presence of Bidder�s representatives who choose to attend at the same address 6. The Bidder shall submit Maximum time for the tendered work, detail specification, previous work experience & completion certificates along with tender documents. 7. All Taxes/ duties shall be deducted from the bill of the firm at prescribed rate notified by the WAPDA/NTDCL from time to time. 8 . NTDC reserves its right regarding rejection of bids as defined in Rule 33(1) of PPRA Rules 2004 (Junaid Khalil) Deputy Manager 500KV T/L (M) Division NTDC Tarbela Address: F-8 Sobra City Tarbela Dam, Ghazi KPK. 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