{ "version": "1.1", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/api/index.php/ocds/record/550526", "publishedDate": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "publisher": { "name": "Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Pakistan", "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "uid": "0", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk" }, "license": "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/", "publicationPolicy": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/pguidelines.pdf", "releases": [ { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-550526", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-01-planning", "language": "en", "date": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "planning" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "planning": { "budget": { "id": "", "description": "Not Available", "amount": { "amount": null, "currency": "PKR" }, "project": "Not Available", "projectID": "Not Available", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk" }, "rationale": "Not Available", "documents": [ { "id": "1.0", "documentType": "procurementPlan", "title": "National Transmission and Despatch Company - Procurement Plan", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ], "milestones": [] }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-01-planning", "title": "Tender Notice No: OL-01/2024-25", "description": "PROCUREMENT OF FULLY AUTOMATIC DIELECTRIC DISSIPATION FACTOR", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "procurementMethodRationale": "Not Available", "awardCriteria": "Not Available", "awardCriteriaDetails": "Not Available", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "durationInDays": 0 }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" } } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-550526", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-02-tender", "language": "en", "date": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tender" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-01-tender", "title": "Tender Notice No: OL-01/2024-25", "description": "NATIONAL TRANSMISSION & DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED (NTDC). NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF FULLY AUTOMATIC DIELECTRIC DISSIPATION FACTOR & RESISTIVITY MEASURING TEST SET FOR HV & SC LAB. NTDC, RAWAT, ISLAMABAD Tender Notice No: OL-01/2024-25 This office invites sealed technical & financial bids (USA, European & Japanese make) from renowned manufacturers, suppliers or authorized distributers registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax departments and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue, for the procurement of: S. # Specification Quantity 1. Fully Automatic Oil Dielectric Dissipation Factor (tan delta) & Resistivity Along-With Complete Accessories. � A complete system with integrated printer capable of measuring:  Dissipation factor / tan δ in ranges of 0.000001-4.0  Relative permittivity in ranges of 1-30  Specific resistance in ranges of 2.5 MΩm-100TΩm � The unit shall offer a choice of permanently programmed test methods e.g., IEC-60247 fig.3, IEC 61620, VDE 0380-2, ASTM D1169-19a & ASTM D-924-15 etc. � It must have 12 custom tests & minimum 15 pre-programmed test standards � The unit must be factory calibrated (certificate included). � The unit must be provided with a calibration checker. � Test parameters can be programmed to comply with different test standards. � Resistivity measurement can be switched on & off. � The unit must be capable of maintaining temperature in ranges of 11-110 �C. � The unit shall maintain test cell within 1�C of the prescribed temperature and shall provide electrical connections to the cell. � It must heat the cell uniformly from top to bottom. � Test cell shall be designed in accordance with IEC-60247:2004. � Shall be made of high-grade stainless steel. � Shall have a sample capacity of approximately 45ml. � Shall be properly insulated from earthed enclosure of the test cell. � Solid insulating materials used to support the test cell shall have lower tan δ and higher resistivity. � All standard & optional accessories including (but not limited to) test cell, dust cover, hose for emptying test cell (02 nos.), Report manager USB interface for measurement of data management, transport case, paper rolls (20 nos.), ink ribbon for printer (20 nos.) etc. must be included in the offered price. � 01 1. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, etc. are available at the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Rawat, Islamabad. 2. Price of the bidding documents is PKR 2000/- (non-refundable). 3. Bidding documents can also be downloaded from www.ntdc.gov.pk & www.ppra.org.pk free of cost for working only. 4. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Chakbeli Road Rawat, Islamabad on or before 11.12.2024 at 1100 Hrs. 5. Bids will be opened on the same day at 1130 Hrs in Conference Room of HVSCL. 6. Bid shall remain valid for 60-days from the bid opening date and must accompany Bid Guarantee/ CDR not less than 2% of the quoted bid price, valid for 100 days issued by any scheduled Bank of Pakistan on specified Proforma along with Sales Tax Registration Certificate. 7. Mail or conditional tender or tender without Bid Guarantee will not be accepted. 8. NTDC reserves its rights regarding rejection of tenders as defined in clause-33 (1) of PPRA Rules-2004. 9. This advertisement is also available on PPRA website at www.ppra.org.pk. 10. All the relevant information can be obtained from the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Rawat, Islamabad on the following contacts before the tender opening date. Tel No. 051-4262306, 4262309, 4262326 Email;cehvsc@ntdc.com.pk CHIEF ENGINEER HIGH VOLTAGE & SHORT CIRCUIT LAB NTDC RAWAT, ISLAMABAD ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-12-11T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-12-11T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "hasEnquiries": false, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 190210", "datePublished": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-550526", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-03-tenderAmendment", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tenderAmendment" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-01-tender", "title": "Tender Notice No: OL-01/2024-25", "description": "NATIONAL TRANSMISSION & DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED (NTDC). NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF FULLY AUTOMATIC DIELECTRIC DISSIPATION FACTOR & RESISTIVITY MEASURING TEST SET FOR HV & SC LAB. NTDC, RAWAT, ISLAMABAD Tender Notice No: OL-01/2024-25 This office invites sealed technical & financial bids (USA, European & Japanese make) from renowned manufacturers, suppliers or authorized distributers registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax departments and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue, for the procurement of: S. # Specification Quantity 1. Fully Automatic Oil Dielectric Dissipation Factor (tan delta) & Resistivity Along-With Complete Accessories. � A complete system with integrated printer capable of measuring:  Dissipation factor / tan δ in ranges of 0.000001-4.0  Relative permittivity in ranges of 1-30  Specific resistance in ranges of 2.5 MΩm-100TΩm � The unit shall offer a choice of permanently programmed test methods e.g., IEC-60247 fig.3, IEC 61620, VDE 0380-2, ASTM D1169-19a & ASTM D-924-15 etc. � It must have 12 custom tests & minimum 15 pre-programmed test standards � The unit must be factory calibrated (certificate included). � The unit must be provided with a calibration checker. � Test parameters can be programmed to comply with different test standards. � Resistivity measurement can be switched on & off. � The unit must be capable of maintaining temperature in ranges of 11-110 �C. � The unit shall maintain test cell within 1�C of the prescribed temperature and shall provide electrical connections to the cell. � It must heat the cell uniformly from top to bottom. � Test cell shall be designed in accordance with IEC-60247:2004. � Shall be made of high-grade stainless steel. � Shall have a sample capacity of approximately 45ml. � Shall be properly insulated from earthed enclosure of the test cell. � Solid insulating materials used to support the test cell shall have lower tan δ and higher resistivity. � All standard & optional accessories including (but not limited to) test cell, dust cover, hose for emptying test cell (02 nos.), Report manager USB interface for measurement of data management, transport case, paper rolls (20 nos.), ink ribbon for printer (20 nos.) etc. must be included in the offered price. � 01 1. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, etc. are available at the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Rawat, Islamabad. 2. Price of the bidding documents is PKR 2000/- (non-refundable). 3. Bidding documents can also be downloaded from www.ntdc.gov.pk & www.ppra.org.pk free of cost for working only. 4. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Chakbeli Road Rawat, Islamabad on or before 11.12.2024 at 1100 Hrs. 5. Bids will be opened on the same day at 1130 Hrs in Conference Room of HVSCL. 6. Bid shall remain valid for 60-days from the bid opening date and must accompany Bid Guarantee/ CDR not less than 2% of the quoted bid price, valid for 100 days issued by any scheduled Bank of Pakistan on specified Proforma along with Sales Tax Registration Certificate. 7. Mail or conditional tender or tender without Bid Guarantee will not be accepted. 8. NTDC reserves its rights regarding rejection of tenders as defined in clause-33 (1) of PPRA Rules-2004. 9. This advertisement is also available on PPRA website at www.ppra.org.pk. 10. All the relevant information can be obtained from the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Rawat, Islamabad on the following contacts before the tender opening date. Tel No. 051-4262306, 4262309, 4262326 Email;cehvsc@ntdc.com.pk CHIEF ENGINEER HIGH VOLTAGE & SHORT CIRCUIT LAB NTDC RAWAT, ISLAMABAD ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-12-11T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-12-11T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays":0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "hasEnquiries": true, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 190210", "datePublished": "2024-11-05T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ], "amendments": [ { "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "rationale": "", "id": "1.0", "description": "Not Available", "amendsReleaseID": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-01-tender", "releaseID": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-03-tenderAmendment" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-550526", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-04-award", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "award" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } }, { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available", "roles": [ "supplier" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK", "id": "1", "legalName": "Not Available" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Not Available", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Not Available" } }, { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "tenderer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-01-tender", "title": "Tender Notice No: OL-01/2024-25", "description": "NATIONAL TRANSMISSION & DESPATCH COMPANY LIMITED (NTDC). NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF FULLY AUTOMATIC DIELECTRIC DISSIPATION FACTOR & RESISTIVITY MEASURING TEST SET FOR HV & SC LAB. NTDC, RAWAT, ISLAMABAD Tender Notice No: OL-01/2024-25 This office invites sealed technical & financial bids (USA, European & Japanese make) from renowned manufacturers, suppliers or authorized distributers registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax departments and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue, for the procurement of: S. # Specification Quantity 1. Fully Automatic Oil Dielectric Dissipation Factor (tan delta) & Resistivity Along-With Complete Accessories. � A complete system with integrated printer capable of measuring:  Dissipation factor / tan δ in ranges of 0.000001-4.0  Relative permittivity in ranges of 1-30  Specific resistance in ranges of 2.5 MΩm-100TΩm � The unit shall offer a choice of permanently programmed test methods e.g., IEC-60247 fig.3, IEC 61620, VDE 0380-2, ASTM D1169-19a & ASTM D-924-15 etc. � It must have 12 custom tests & minimum 15 pre-programmed test standards � The unit must be factory calibrated (certificate included). � The unit must be provided with a calibration checker. � Test parameters can be programmed to comply with different test standards. � Resistivity measurement can be switched on & off. � The unit must be capable of maintaining temperature in ranges of 11-110 �C. � The unit shall maintain test cell within 1�C of the prescribed temperature and shall provide electrical connections to the cell. � It must heat the cell uniformly from top to bottom. � Test cell shall be designed in accordance with IEC-60247:2004. � Shall be made of high-grade stainless steel. � Shall have a sample capacity of approximately 45ml. � Shall be properly insulated from earthed enclosure of the test cell. � Solid insulating materials used to support the test cell shall have lower tan δ and higher resistivity. � All standard & optional accessories including (but not limited to) test cell, dust cover, hose for emptying test cell (02 nos.), Report manager USB interface for measurement of data management, transport case, paper rolls (20 nos.), ink ribbon for printer (20 nos.) etc. must be included in the offered price. � 01 1. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, etc. are available at the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Rawat, Islamabad. 2. Price of the bidding documents is PKR 2000/- (non-refundable). 3. Bidding documents can also be downloaded from www.ntdc.gov.pk & www.ppra.org.pk free of cost for working only. 4. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Chakbeli Road Rawat, Islamabad on or before 11.12.2024 at 1100 Hrs. 5. Bids will be opened on the same day at 1130 Hrs in Conference Room of HVSCL. 6. Bid shall remain valid for 60-days from the bid opening date and must accompany Bid Guarantee/ CDR not less than 2% of the quoted bid price, valid for 100 days issued by any scheduled Bank of Pakistan on specified Proforma along with Sales Tax Registration Certificate. 7. Mail or conditional tender or tender without Bid Guarantee will not be accepted. 8. NTDC reserves its rights regarding rejection of tenders as defined in clause-33 (1) of PPRA Rules-2004. 9. This advertisement is also available on PPRA website at www.ppra.org.pk. 10. All the relevant information can be obtained from the office of Chief Engineer (HV & SC) Lab. NTDC, Rawat, Islamabad on the following contacts before the tender opening date. Tel No. 051-4262306, 4262309, 4262326 Email;cehvsc@ntdc.com.pk CHIEF ENGINEER HIGH VOLTAGE & SHORT CIRCUIT LAB NTDC RAWAT, ISLAMABAD ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "numberOfTenderers": 0, "hasEnquiries": true, "tenderers": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" } ] }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "0", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ] }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-550526", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-05-contract", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "contract" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ], "contracts": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-contract-01", "awardID": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "period": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "dateSigned": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "documents": [ { "id": "8.0", "documentType": "contractSigned", "title": "Signed Contract", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ] }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-550526", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-06-implementation", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "implementation" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E259", "legalName": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House", "locality": "Lahore", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Shaukat Ali,Asst Manager PR", "email": "pr@ntdc.com.pk", "telephone": "042-99204881", "faxNumber": "042-99204882", "url": "http://www.ntdc.com.pk/" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E259", "name": "National Transmission and Despatch Company" }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ] } ], "contracts": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-contract-01", "awardID": "ocds-8kte1o-550526-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "period": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "dateSigned": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" } ] } ] }