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Electronic prequalification documents, containing detailed requirements, terms and conditions, qualification and evaluation criteria are available for the EPADS registered prospective constructors on EPADS at (https://eprocure.gov.pk) and PPRA website (www.ppra.org.pk) and CCP�s website (www.cc.gov.pk), free of cost. The electronic Proposals/ applications, prepared in accordance with the instructions provided in the prequalification documents, must be submitted by using EPADS (https://eprocure.gov.pk), on or before 18th November 2024 up to 1500 Hours. Manual applications shall not be accepted. Electronic applications will be opened on the same day at 1530 hours on EPADS. In terms of Rule 48 of Public Procurement Rules, 2004, Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) is constituted for the subject procurement. Notification of said GRC is provided on the CCP website (www.cc.gov.pk) and ePADS (https://eprocure.gov.pk). 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Electronic prequalification documents, containing detailed requirements, terms and conditions, qualification and evaluation criteria are available for the EPADS registered prospective constructors on EPADS at (https://eprocure.gov.pk) and PPRA website (www.ppra.org.pk) and CCP�s website (www.cc.gov.pk), free of cost. The electronic Proposals/ applications, prepared in accordance with the instructions provided in the prequalification documents, must be submitted by using EPADS (https://eprocure.gov.pk), on or before 18th November 2024 up to 1500 Hours. Manual applications shall not be accepted. Electronic applications will be opened on the same day at 1530 hours on EPADS. In terms of Rule 48 of Public Procurement Rules, 2004, Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) is constituted for the subject procurement. Notification of said GRC is provided on the CCP website (www.cc.gov.pk) and ePADS (https://eprocure.gov.pk). 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