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Interested parties / bidders must submit their proposals as per PPRA rules and regulations for the TENDER FOR FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION OF FOUR (04) NOs. EMERGENCY EXIT STAIRCASES FROM ROOFTOP TO GROUND LEVEL AT PIFD (PIFD/TENDER/2024-25/030) � Bids must be submitted in two separate envelopes, clearly labeled as "Technical Proposal" and "Financial Proposal." � Tender documents can be purchased by submitting a written request at a cost of Rs. 1,000 (non-refundable) from the Treasurer Office at the address below, during office hours (9:00 AM to 4:00 PM), excluding Saturdays and Sundays. � Bidders are required to submit their bids online through the EPADS (e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System) at https://eprocure.gov.pk. Additionally, a hard copy prepared according to the instructions in the bidding documents must be submitted to the address below by November 18th, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Late submissions will be rejected. � Bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 AM. Initially, only the technical proposals will be opened; the financial proposals of technically qualified firms will be opened in a second stage. � Late submissions will not be considered. � In the event of a holiday, the tender proceedings will be conducted on the next working day. � Companies that are blacklisted or involved in litigation will not be considered. � This advertisement is available on the PPRA website www.ppra.org.pk and the PIFD website www.pifd.edu.pk. � PIFD reserves the right to reject any or all bids in accordance with PPRA rules. 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Interested parties / bidders must submit their proposals as per PPRA rules and regulations for the TENDER FOR FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION OF FOUR (04) NOs. EMERGENCY EXIT STAIRCASES FROM ROOFTOP TO GROUND LEVEL AT PIFD (PIFD/TENDER/2024-25/030) � Bids must be submitted in two separate envelopes, clearly labeled as "Technical Proposal" and "Financial Proposal." � Tender documents can be purchased by submitting a written request at a cost of Rs. 1,000 (non-refundable) from the Treasurer Office at the address below, during office hours (9:00 AM to 4:00 PM), excluding Saturdays and Sundays. � Bidders are required to submit their bids online through the EPADS (e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System) at https://eprocure.gov.pk. Additionally, a hard copy prepared according to the instructions in the bidding documents must be submitted to the address below by November 18th, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Late submissions will be rejected. � Bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 AM. Initially, only the technical proposals will be opened; the financial proposals of technically qualified firms will be opened in a second stage. � Late submissions will not be considered. � In the event of a holiday, the tender proceedings will be conducted on the next working day. � Companies that are blacklisted or involved in litigation will not be considered. � This advertisement is available on the PPRA website www.ppra.org.pk and the PIFD website www.pifd.edu.pk. � PIFD reserves the right to reject any or all bids in accordance with PPRA rules. 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Initially, only the technical proposals will be opened; the financial proposals of technically qualified firms will be opened in a second stage. � Late submissions will not be considered. � In the event of a holiday, the tender proceedings will be conducted on the next working day. � Companies that are blacklisted or involved in litigation will not be considered. � This advertisement is available on the PPRA website www.ppra.org.pk and the PIFD website www.pifd.edu.pk. � PIFD reserves the right to reject any or all bids in accordance with PPRA rules. 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