{ "version": "1.1", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/api/index.php/ocds/record/544206", "publishedDate": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "publisher": { "name": "Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Pakistan", "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "uid": "0", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk" }, "license": "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/", "publicationPolicy": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/pguidelines.pdf", "releases": [ { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-544206", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-01-planning", "language": "en", "date": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "planning" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E168", "legalName": "Capital Development Authority" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Executive Block-IV, CDA Secretariate, Sector G7/4", "locality": "Islamabad", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Asif Ali,Director Public Relations", "email": "publicrelationscda1@gmail.com", "telephone": "051-9252614", "faxNumber": "051-9252492", "url": "http://www.cda.gov.pk" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" }, "planning": { "budget": { "id": "", "description": "Not Available", "amount": { "amount": null, "currency": "PKR" }, "project": "Not Available", "projectID": "Not Available", "uri": "https://www.ppra.org.pk" }, "rationale": "Not Available", "documents": [ { "id": "1.0", "documentType": "procurementPlan", "title": "Capital Development Authority - Procurement Plan", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ], "milestones": [] }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-01-planning", "title": "Capital Development Authority", "description": "Director General Resource, CDA", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "procurementMethodRationale": "Not Available", "awardCriteria": "Not Available", "awardCriteriaDetails": "Not Available", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "durationInDays": 0 }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" } } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-544206", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-02-tender", "language": "en", "date": "2024-07-26T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tender" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E168", "legalName": "Capital Development Authority" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Executive Block-IV, CDA Secretariate, Sector G7/4", "locality": "Islamabad", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Asif Ali,Director Public Relations", "email": "publicrelationscda1@gmail.com", "telephone": "051-9252614", "faxNumber": "051-9252492", "url": "http://www.cda.gov.pk" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-01-tender", "title": "Capital Development Authority", "description": "GOVERNMENT OF PAKSITAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR THE LEASING OF A GREY STRUCTURE AT G-10, ISLAMABAD Capital Development Authority (CDA) is pleased to announce a Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the outsourcing of a grey structure with covered area of over 97,000 Square Feet (Plot measuring 3.3 Acres), intended to be developed into a cutting-edge IT park located at G-10 Markaz. This property presents an exceptional opportunity for a forward-thinking company to establish a thriving technology hub. CDA is seeking expressions of interest from reputable and experienced companies and organizations with a proven track record & relevant expertise, entities can participate on joint venture basis for a period of 30 years on revenue share basis extendable for another 10 years through mutual consent. The selected entities will be responsible for transforming the grey structure into a world-class IT park that meets international standards and best practices. IT park shall provide a range of amenities to support the needs of technology companies and their employees, foster collaboration, and create a conducive work environment. Suggested amenities to be included but not limited to are: - 1. Shared co-working 2. Incubators, spaces for startups and Freelancers 3. Software house spaces 4. Office spaces for SME�s 5. Research Centers (IT & Telecomm) 6. Auditoriums / Conference halls 7. Meeting rooms 8. Library 9. Spaces for IT & Telecom expeditions. 10. Recreational facilities. Interested parties can visit the site from 09.00 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. Address: Information Technology Park, G-10 Markaz, Bella Road, near Shell Petrol Pump. For further details kindly contact Director Resource: 051-9252035, 051-9252616, "member.technical@cda.gov.pk" INITIAL CRITERIA: i. The grey structure will be launched on As- Is basis through JV model on revenue share basis which shall be offered for a period of 30 years extendable for another 10 years through mutual consent. CDA shall offer land and grey structure as equity. The plot and all built up structure and open space shall remain property of the CDA. ii. Allotted area will be developed as I.T Park. iii. The successful bidder shall be liable to deposit all types of government taxes in vogue. iv. Operations and maintenance shall be the responsibility of the operator. v. Payment of all utilities e.g. water, electricity etc. shall be responsibility of bidder. vi. Incase of any FAR enhancement, the successful bidder may expand the IT Park area in consultation with CDA. PARTICIPATION CRITERIA i. Name of the firm and complete contact details (ownership, organizational structure of the firm) ii. IT Companies, Telecom companies, Academia, Multi-National companies etc. are eligible to apply. iii. Companies will provide undertaking / affidavit that the firm and its employees have never been black listed. iv. Proper FBR Tax Payer and included in active tax payer list. v. Having NTN/GST number. vi. Financial Returns of the organization for last five years. TECHNICAL CRITERIA i. Companies shall submit their technical proposal along with one pager business model showing the amount of investment required for the development of IT Park. ii. Proposal along with power point presentation will be evaluated by the Resource wing as decided by the CDA Board. iii. Technical proposals shall be opened first and only those firms which fulfill the Technical criteria will be eligible for opening of the Financial proposal. Financial proposal of those firms who do not qualify in Technical proposal would be returned unopened. Financial proposal shall consist of details of percentage revenue offered to CDA and percentage revenue that will be kept by the bidder. iv. Technically qualified companies offering the highest revenue share to CDA shall be awarded the contract whereby successful company shall develop the IT Park and revenue from profits shall be shared. v. The successful bidder shall put construction/development amount declared in business plan in an escrow account and shall use this amount on development of IT Park. Sealed bid: Interested parties are required to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) and information required above by 9th August, 2024. International firms/consortiums are encouraged to apply. Name, address, telephone, and email address of the firm must be mentioned on sealed envelope. Further details about the project can be found on CDA website (www.cda.gov.pk). For submission of EOI, please contact: Director General Resource, Executive Block, CDA Headquarters G-7/4, Islamabad. (Phone No. 051-9252035), 051-9252616, "member.technical@cda.gov.pk" ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-08-09T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-08-09T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" }, "hasEnquiries": false, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 187568", "datePublished": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-544206", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-03-tenderAmendment", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "tenderAmendment" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E168", "legalName": "Capital Development Authority" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Executive Block-IV, CDA Secretariate, Sector G7/4", "locality": "Islamabad", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Asif Ali,Director Public Relations", "email": "publicrelationscda1@gmail.com", "telephone": "051-9252614", "faxNumber": "051-9252492", "url": "http://www.cda.gov.pk" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-01-tender", "title": "Capital Development Authority", "description": "GOVERNMENT OF PAKSITAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR THE LEASING OF A GREY STRUCTURE AT G-10, ISLAMABAD Capital Development Authority (CDA) is pleased to announce a Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the outsourcing of a grey structure with covered area of over 97,000 Square Feet (Plot measuring 3.3 Acres), intended to be developed into a cutting-edge IT park located at G-10 Markaz. This property presents an exceptional opportunity for a forward-thinking company to establish a thriving technology hub. CDA is seeking expressions of interest from reputable and experienced companies and organizations with a proven track record & relevant expertise, entities can participate on joint venture basis for a period of 30 years on revenue share basis extendable for another 10 years through mutual consent. The selected entities will be responsible for transforming the grey structure into a world-class IT park that meets international standards and best practices. IT park shall provide a range of amenities to support the needs of technology companies and their employees, foster collaboration, and create a conducive work environment. Suggested amenities to be included but not limited to are: - 1. Shared co-working 2. Incubators, spaces for startups and Freelancers 3. Software house spaces 4. Office spaces for SME�s 5. Research Centers (IT & Telecomm) 6. Auditoriums / Conference halls 7. Meeting rooms 8. Library 9. Spaces for IT & Telecom expeditions. 10. Recreational facilities. Interested parties can visit the site from 09.00 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. Address: Information Technology Park, G-10 Markaz, Bella Road, near Shell Petrol Pump. For further details kindly contact Director Resource: 051-9252035, 051-9252616, "member.technical@cda.gov.pk" INITIAL CRITERIA: i. The grey structure will be launched on As- Is basis through JV model on revenue share basis which shall be offered for a period of 30 years extendable for another 10 years through mutual consent. CDA shall offer land and grey structure as equity. The plot and all built up structure and open space shall remain property of the CDA. ii. Allotted area will be developed as I.T Park. iii. The successful bidder shall be liable to deposit all types of government taxes in vogue. iv. Operations and maintenance shall be the responsibility of the operator. v. Payment of all utilities e.g. water, electricity etc. shall be responsibility of bidder. vi. Incase of any FAR enhancement, the successful bidder may expand the IT Park area in consultation with CDA. PARTICIPATION CRITERIA i. Name of the firm and complete contact details (ownership, organizational structure of the firm) ii. IT Companies, Telecom companies, Academia, Multi-National companies etc. are eligible to apply. iii. Companies will provide undertaking / affidavit that the firm and its employees have never been black listed. iv. Proper FBR Tax Payer and included in active tax payer list. v. Having NTN/GST number. vi. Financial Returns of the organization for last five years. TECHNICAL CRITERIA i. Companies shall submit their technical proposal along with one pager business model showing the amount of investment required for the development of IT Park. ii. Proposal along with power point presentation will be evaluated by the Resource wing as decided by the CDA Board. iii. Technical proposals shall be opened first and only those firms which fulfill the Technical criteria will be eligible for opening of the Financial proposal. Financial proposal of those firms who do not qualify in Technical proposal would be returned unopened. Financial proposal shall consist of details of percentage revenue offered to CDA and percentage revenue that will be kept by the bidder. iv. Technically qualified companies offering the highest revenue share to CDA shall be awarded the contract whereby successful company shall develop the IT Park and revenue from profits shall be shared. v. The successful bidder shall put construction/development amount declared in business plan in an escrow account and shall use this amount on development of IT Park. Sealed bid: Interested parties are required to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) and information required above by 9th August, 2024. International firms/consortiums are encouraged to apply. Name, address, telephone, and email address of the firm must be mentioned on sealed envelope. Further details about the project can be found on CDA website (www.cda.gov.pk). For submission of EOI, please contact: Director General Resource, Executive Block, CDA Headquarters G-7/4, Islamabad. (Phone No. 051-9252035), 051-9252616, "member.technical@cda.gov.pk" ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "minValue": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "procurementMethodDetails": "National", "tenderPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-08-09T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "enquiryPeriod": { "startDate": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2024-08-09T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays": 0 }, "awardPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T09:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "durationInDays":0 }, "procuringEntity": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" }, "hasEnquiries": true, "documents": [ { "id": "5.0", "documentType": "tenderNotice", "title": "Tender Notice", "description": "Official tender notice.", "url": "https://www.ppra.org.pk/download.asp?tenderid= 187568", "datePublished": "2024-07-25T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ], "amendments": [ { "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "rationale": "", "id": "1.0", "description": "Not Available", "amendsReleaseID": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-01-tender", "releaseID": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-03-tenderAmendment" } ] } }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-544206", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-04-award", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "award" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E168", "legalName": "Capital Development Authority" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Executive Block-IV, CDA Secretariate, Sector G7/4", "locality": "Islamabad", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Asif Ali,Director Public Relations", "email": "publicrelationscda1@gmail.com", "telephone": "051-9252614", "faxNumber": "051-9252492", "url": "http://www.cda.gov.pk" } }, { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available", "roles": [ "supplier" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK", "id": "1", "legalName": "Not Available" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Not Available", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Not Available" } }, { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority", "roles": [ "tenderer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "168", "legalName": "Capital Development Authority" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Executive Block-IV, CDA Secretariate, Sector G7/4", "locality": "Islamabad", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Asif Ali,Director Public Relations", "email": "publicrelationscda1@gmail.com", "telephone": "051-9252614", "faxNumber": "051-9252492", "url": "http://www.cda.gov.pk" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" }, "tender": { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-01-tender", "title": "Capital Development Authority", "description": "GOVERNMENT OF PAKSITAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR THE LEASING OF A GREY STRUCTURE AT G-10, ISLAMABAD Capital Development Authority (CDA) is pleased to announce a Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the outsourcing of a grey structure with covered area of over 97,000 Square Feet (Plot measuring 3.3 Acres), intended to be developed into a cutting-edge IT park located at G-10 Markaz. This property presents an exceptional opportunity for a forward-thinking company to establish a thriving technology hub. CDA is seeking expressions of interest from reputable and experienced companies and organizations with a proven track record & relevant expertise, entities can participate on joint venture basis for a period of 30 years on revenue share basis extendable for another 10 years through mutual consent. The selected entities will be responsible for transforming the grey structure into a world-class IT park that meets international standards and best practices. IT park shall provide a range of amenities to support the needs of technology companies and their employees, foster collaboration, and create a conducive work environment. Suggested amenities to be included but not limited to are: - 1. Shared co-working 2. Incubators, spaces for startups and Freelancers 3. Software house spaces 4. Office spaces for SME�s 5. Research Centers (IT & Telecomm) 6. Auditoriums / Conference halls 7. Meeting rooms 8. Library 9. Spaces for IT & Telecom expeditions. 10. Recreational facilities. Interested parties can visit the site from 09.00 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. Address: Information Technology Park, G-10 Markaz, Bella Road, near Shell Petrol Pump. For further details kindly contact Director Resource: 051-9252035, 051-9252616, "member.technical@cda.gov.pk" INITIAL CRITERIA: i. The grey structure will be launched on As- Is basis through JV model on revenue share basis which shall be offered for a period of 30 years extendable for another 10 years through mutual consent. CDA shall offer land and grey structure as equity. The plot and all built up structure and open space shall remain property of the CDA. ii. Allotted area will be developed as I.T Park. iii. The successful bidder shall be liable to deposit all types of government taxes in vogue. iv. Operations and maintenance shall be the responsibility of the operator. v. Payment of all utilities e.g. water, electricity etc. shall be responsibility of bidder. vi. Incase of any FAR enhancement, the successful bidder may expand the IT Park area in consultation with CDA. PARTICIPATION CRITERIA i. Name of the firm and complete contact details (ownership, organizational structure of the firm) ii. IT Companies, Telecom companies, Academia, Multi-National companies etc. are eligible to apply. iii. Companies will provide undertaking / affidavit that the firm and its employees have never been black listed. iv. Proper FBR Tax Payer and included in active tax payer list. v. Having NTN/GST number. vi. Financial Returns of the organization for last five years. TECHNICAL CRITERIA i. Companies shall submit their technical proposal along with one pager business model showing the amount of investment required for the development of IT Park. ii. Proposal along with power point presentation will be evaluated by the Resource wing as decided by the CDA Board. iii. Technical proposals shall be opened first and only those firms which fulfill the Technical criteria will be eligible for opening of the Financial proposal. Financial proposal of those firms who do not qualify in Technical proposal would be returned unopened. Financial proposal shall consist of details of percentage revenue offered to CDA and percentage revenue that will be kept by the bidder. iv. Technically qualified companies offering the highest revenue share to CDA shall be awarded the contract whereby successful company shall develop the IT Park and revenue from profits shall be shared. v. The successful bidder shall put construction/development amount declared in business plan in an escrow account and shall use this amount on development of IT Park. Sealed bid: Interested parties are required to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) and information required above by 9th August, 2024. International firms/consortiums are encouraged to apply. Name, address, telephone, and email address of the firm must be mentioned on sealed envelope. Further details about the project can be found on CDA website (www.cda.gov.pk). For submission of EOI, please contact: Director General Resource, Executive Block, CDA Headquarters G-7/4, Islamabad. (Phone No. 051-9252035), 051-9252616, "member.technical@cda.gov.pk" ", "mainProcurementCategory": "works", "numberOfTenderers": 0, "hasEnquiries": true, "tenderers": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" } ] }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "0", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ] }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-544206", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-05-contract", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "contract" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E168", "legalName": "Capital Development Authority" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Executive Block-IV, CDA Secretariate, Sector G7/4", "locality": "Islamabad", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Asif Ali,Director Public Relations", "email": "publicrelationscda1@gmail.com", "telephone": "051-9252614", "faxNumber": "051-9252492", "url": "http://www.cda.gov.pk" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ], "contracts": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-contract-01", "awardID": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "period": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "dateSigned": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "documents": [ { "id": "8.0", "documentType": "contractSigned", "title": "Signed Contract", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "application/pdf", "language": "en" } ] } ] }, { "ocid": "ocds-8kte1o-544206", "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-06-implementation", "language": "en", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "initiationType": "tender", "tag": [ "implementation" ], "parties": [ { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority", "roles": [ "buyer" ], "identifier": { "scheme": "PK-PPRA", "id": "E168", "legalName": "Capital Development Authority" }, "address": { "streetAddress": "Executive Block-IV, CDA Secretariate, Sector G7/4", "locality": "Islamabad", "region": "South Asia", "postalCode": "", "countryName": "Pakistan" }, "contactPoint": { "name": "Asif Ali,Director Public Relations", "email": "publicrelationscda1@gmail.com", "telephone": "051-9252614", "faxNumber": "051-9252492", "url": "http://www.cda.gov.pk" } } ], "buyer": { "id": "PK-PPRA-E168", "name": "Capital Development Authority" }, "awards": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "date": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "suppliers": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Not Available" } ], "contractPeriod": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "documents": [ { "id": "7.0", "documentType": "awardNotice", "title": "Award notice", "description": "Not Available", "url": "http://www.ppra.org.pk/", "datePublished": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "format": "text/html", "language": "en" } ] } ], "contracts": [ { "id": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-contract-01", "awardID": "ocds-8kte1o-544206-00001-award-01", "title": "Not Available", "description": "Not Available", "period": { "startDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z", "maxExtentDate": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" }, "value": { "amount": 0, "currency": "PKR" }, "dateSigned": "0000-00-00T00:00:00Z" } ] } ] }