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Online Submitted Tender

Organization Name

Capital Development Authority

Address Executive Block-IV, CDA Secretariate, Sector G7/4
City Islamabad
Tel No. 051-9252614
Fax No. 051-9252492
Receipt No 192814
Tender No 58 (12-02-2025)
Description CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WATER SUPPLY DIRECTORATE Distribution Division (South) ***** INVITATION FOR BIDS The Capital Development Authority invites on percentage basis on NIT cost from the Supplier/ Local Manufacturers duly enlisted with SECP in appropriate category and also registered with Income Tax / Sales Tax Departments who can prove their eligibility and qualification as mentioned in the Bidding Document for the following supply of materials. S/N Name of Work Earnest Money NIT Cost Remarks 1 Purchase of Tyres/ Tubes and Flappers (Local Manufactured) for Water Tankers of Distribution Division (South), CDA Rs. 257,020/- Rs. 8,567,330/- Quantity and detail of items are mentioned in the bidding documents. 1. Bidding documents are available on PPRA E-PADS. 2. Only Manufacturers /supplier registered with PPRA on E-PADS as vendors are eligible. 3. Tender should be accompanied Bid Security /Earnest Money (refundable) in the form of Pay order/CDRs infavour of Deputy Director (Distribution Division (South) CDA. The prospective bidders shall upload scannedcopy of Bid Security on E-PADS and original will be submitted to the office of Director (Water Supply), CDA along with the bid on 26-02-2025 for scrutiny. 4. The prospective bidders are also required to submit their Bids online through E-PADS at before opening date original bids in accordance with the provision of Rule 36(a) ofPublic Procurement Rules-2004 and terms & conditions defined in the bidding documents must be submittedat the address mentioned below on or before on dated 28-02-2025 11.30 AM. 5. The Bids will be opened publicly on the same day at 12:00 Noon in the presence of the procurement committee & Bidders? authorized Representatives who choose to attend the opening session to be held at the office of the Director (Water Supply) Room No.131, CDA Old Naval Headquarter Building, G-6,Islamabad. 6. The Manufacturers /supplier providing unsubstantiated and /or incorrect information are liable to legal action and disqualificationfrom the bidding. 7. The Authority reserves the right to reject all the applications as per PPRA Rules. 8. Advertisement is also available on CDA web site. and PPRA Deputy Director Distribution Division (South), CDA Ph. 051-9201071
Advertisement Date 13/2/2025
Closing Date 28/2/2025
Closing Time 11:30:00 AM
Opening Time 12:00:00 PM
Tender Documents
Estimated Cost
Tender Nature National
Earnest Money
Bid Validity
Bid/Tender Document Cost