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Higher Education Commission, Pakistan
Firm Required for Renovation Work
Tenders are invited by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan from reputable firms/contractors having valid PEC Registration Certificate, relevant experience and registration with Income Tax Department for the execution of following work:
1: Name of Procuring Agency : Higher Education Commission, H-9, Islamabad
2: Tender Number : 03/HEC/RE/2024-25
3: Procurement Title:Renovation Work at HEC Regional Centre, Lahore
4: Procurement Method:PPRA Rule 36-b (Quality and Cost Based Selection)
5: Last date for obtaining Tender Documents and its price:Tuesday, February 25, 2025 @ Rs. 2000/- (non- refundable) as Tender Documents Fee
6: Closing time and date of bid submission:1330 hours on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at Engineering
Section, HEC, H-9, Islamabad
7: Time and place of public opening of bids (on the closing date):1400 hours on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at Auditorium Block, HEC, H-9 Islamabad
8: Amount of bid security / earnest money : Rs. 200,000/- in the form of Pay Order / Bank Draft in favor of Director General (Finance), HEC
Note: Tender Documents, costing Rs. 2000/- (cash, non-refundable) each to be deposited in HEC Account No.17427900133401 of Habib Bank Limited, SRC Branch, Sector H-9, Islamabad (online or physically), can be downloaded from HEC/PPRA/E-PADS website. Bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions given in the bidding documents, along with bid security instrument and required documents, must be submitted using E-PADS (e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System) as well as physically on or before February 25, 2025 till 01:30 pm. The Bids will be opened on the same day at 02:00 pm. No bid will be accepted without attachment of below documents with submitted bid on submission date/time.
a.Income Tax, Sales Tax Registration certificate (must be on active taxpayer list of Federal Board of Revenue).
b.Valid PEC Registration Certificate
c.Affidavit (original) that the firm has not been blacklisted nor found involved in litigation with any Government/Semi-Government, Autonomous body.
d.Tender documents? fee receipt must be submitted physically along with the bid.
e.HEC reserves the right to reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to acceptance as provided under Rule 33 of the Public Procurement Rules.
f.In case of unexpected holiday on bid opening date, the bids will be opened on next working day.
g.This tender notice is also available at HEC/PPRA/EPADS website.
h.It is mandatory to submit original bid security/earnest money with the technical bid.
Engineering Section, Services Division HEC, H-9, Islamabad Telephone: 051-90401526, 1528 |