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Online Submitted Tender

Organization Name

National Transmission and Despatch Company

Address Director Media NTDC, Room No 63 Wapda House
City Lahore
Tel No. 042-99204881
Fax No. 042-99204882
Receipt No 192634
Tender No INVITATION FOR BID/Addl. Chief Engineer (EHV-I) NTDC Lahore
Description INVITATION FOR BID TENDER NOTICE NO. PD-EHV-04-2025  NAME OF WORK PROCUREMENT OF DIFFERENT SIZE OF TYRES FOR VEHICLES  ELIGIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR: i) Sealed tenders are invited from the WAPDA/NTDC approved contractor in the relevant category. The contractor should have the experience of supply of similar nature of material for at least two times. ii) The Contractor should have sufficient financial resources to execute the work.  TENDER CAN BE PURCHASED: Tender can be purchased from the office of Project Director (EHV-I) NTDC, 34-Industrial Area Gulberg-III Lahore, during office hours.  BID SECURITY: 2% of bid cost in shape of CDR from any scheduled bank as Bid security.  CONDITIONS: 1. Bidding will be conduced through local competitive bidding (LCB). 2. The bidder shall quote for the total work. NTDC will award the contract to the lowest evaluated responsive bidder on overall basis. 3. The NTDC/Employer has the right to reject all bids as per PPRA Rule # 33. 4. Bidder should take care of the following before participation:- i) Bid covering for partial work shall be rejected. ii) Each page of the subject bidding documents should be signed and stamped by the bidder. iii) Electronic bidding will not be permitted. iv) Late bids will be rejected. v) No extra charges and No Escalation charges will be paid to the bidder for delay in completion of work. 5. Complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on submission of a written application to the NTDC office mentioned below on cash payment of non-refundable fee of Rs.5,000/- during the office hours. 6. The bidder will bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of his bid.  TENDER FEE: Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) Not Refundable.  LAST DATE OF ISSUING TENDER DOCUMENTS: 24.02.2025 during office hours.  DATE/TIME OF RECEIVING OF TENDERS: 25.02.2025 at 11:00 A.M  DATE/TIME OF OPENING OF TENDER: 25.02.2025 at 11:30 A.M  PLACE OF OPENING: Office of the Project Director (EHV-I) NTDC, 34-Industrial Area Gulberg-III Lahore Ph: 042-99263225 (Ali Raza Qureshi) Addl. Chief Engineer (EHV-I) NTDC Lahore
Advertisement Date 7/2/2025
Closing Date 25/2/2025
Closing Time 11:00:00 AM
Opening Time 11:30:00 AM
Tender Documents No Attachment
Estimated Cost
Tender Nature National
Earnest Money
Bid Validity
Bid/Tender Document Cost