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Online Submitted Tender

Organization Name

Overseas Pakistanis Foundation

Address Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, PO Box 1470, G5-2
City Islamabad
Tel No. 051-9048463
Fax No. 0519224335
Receipt No 192105
Tender No OPF-1349
Description Overseas Pakistanis Foundation intends to invite sealed Bids from well reputed Income Tax/GST (Registered) firms under single stage ? one envelope method for procurement and installation of interactive screen at OPF Public School, Mirpur (AJK). Income Tax / GST Registered firms having OEM relationship of Interactive Screens can submit the bids by downloading the Tender Documents from PPRA / OPF websites free of cost or purchase the same against the cash payment of Rs. 1,000/- (non-refundable) from the office of the undersigned on producing written request on letter head of the firm. Detailed specifications of items and eligibility criteria is mentioned in the tender documents. Bids must reach the undersigned till 1100 hours latest by 4th February, 2025. Bid security of fixed amount specified in the bidding documents in shape of Bank Draft / Pay Order from a scheduled bank in favor of OPF should also be submitted along with the bid. Bids will be opened on the same day at 1200 hours in presence of bidders/representatives who want to attend. Late & Conditional bids will not be accepted. Taxes will be deducted according to Government rules. OPF reserves the right to reject all bids as per Rule # 33 of PPRA Rules, 2004.
Advertisement Date 21/1/2025
Closing Date 4/2/2025
Closing Time 11:00:00 AM
Opening Time 12:00:00 PM
Tender Documents
Estimated Cost
Tender Nature National
Earnest Money
Bid Validity
Bid/Tender Document Cost