Online Submitted Tender |
Organization Name |
National Database and Registration Authority NADRA |
Address | Procurement Department NADRA HQ G5/2 |
City | Islamabad |
Tel No. | 051-90392351 |
Fax No. | 051-9108188 |
Receipt No | 191680 |
Tender No | NADRA-HQ-RFB-01/2025 |
Description | 1. National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) is an autonomous organization established under the NADRA Ordinance 2000. NADRA is an Authority attached with Ministry of Interior. As per section 27(2) of the NADRA Ordinance 2000,?the Authority shall cause to be carried out audit of its accounts by one or more auditors who are Chartered Accountants within the meaning of Chartered Accountants Ordinance, 1961? having valid registration from Income Tax & Sales Tax and who are on the Active Tax payers List (ALT) of the FBR. In this regard, consent to act as statutory auditors for the Financial Year (FY) To be ended on 30th June, 2025 and (FY) To be ended on 30th June, 2026 along with audit fee (on Lump Sum basis inclusive of out of pocket expenses and all applicable taxes) is requested to be submitted. 2. The bid documents contain detailed Specification, Instructions, Conditions and forms for participating in the Bid. The Bid Documents (complete set) can be purchased free of cost by the bidder upon a written request on Bidder?s official letter head addressed to the Head of Department (NADRA Procurement & Stores) at given address from 0900AM to 1600PM (Monday to Friday). The bidding documents are also available on NADRA official website for the interested bidders which can be viewed and downloaded from 3. All the vendors are requested to provide request for issuance of tender documents on company letterhead including nomination of authorized representative (Name & Designation) for presence at tender opening. At the time of tender opening company rep must possess company employee card. 4. Mandatory Criteria: Chartered Accountant firm shall be in the category ?A? as per the list maintained by the State bank of Pakistan. 5. Job Completion time: Audit is required to be completed within 60 working days from the date of issuance of PO. 6. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents must reach at below mentioned address on or before 11:00AM hours on 23rd January, 2025 (bids received after stipulated time will not entertained). Bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30AM hours. This advertisement is also available on PPRA website at 7. NADRA reserves the right to reject all the bids as per Rule 33 of PPRA 2004. PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT NADRA HQs State Bank of Pakistan Building, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/2, Islamabad - 44000. Telephone: 051-90391854, 051-90392820 |
Remarks | |
Advertisement Date | 1/1/2025 |
Closing Date | 23/1/2025 |
Closing Time | 11:00:00 AM | Opening Time | 11:30:00 AM |
Tender Documents | No Attachment | Estimated Cost |
Tender Nature | National |
Earnest Money | Bid-Security Declaration |
Bid Validity | 120 days |
Bid/Tender Document Cost | |
Remarks |