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Online Submitted Tender

Organization Name

Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Address Gas House 21 Kashmir Road
City Lahore
Tel No. 042-99085026
Fax No. nil
Receipt No 188220
Tender No SNGPL/NP&D/08/2024-01
Description The company intends to hire the Contractor / firms having specialized expertise in the application of three-layer polyethylene coating on bare steel line pipes for 56" dia gas pipeline pilot project.
Remarks Tender is extended from 26.08.24 to 10.09.24
Advertisement Date 21/8/2024
Closing Date 10/9/2024
Closing Time 12:00:00 PM
Opening Time 12:30:00 PM
Tender Documents
Estimated Cost
Tender Nature National
Earnest Money As per tender documents
Bid Validity As per tender documents
Bid/Tender Document Cost
Remarks Tender is extended from 26.08.24 to 10.09.24