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Online Submitted Tender

Organization Name

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex

Address Directorate of Logistics 751-A, Aircraft Manufacturing Factory PAC Complex
City Kamra
Tel No. 05190995797
Fax No. 0519225513
Receipt No 188191
Tender No AMF/751-A/4607/LOG (PC-04) dated 17-08-2024
Description Please provide quotation on original letterhead Detail of items attached
Remarks AMF/751-A/4607/LOG (PC-04) dated 17-08-2024
Advertisement Date 17/8/2024
Closing Date 2/9/2024
Closing Time 10:00:00 AM
Opening Time 10:30:00 AM
Tender Documents
Estimated Cost
Tender Nature National
Earnest Money 5
Bid Validity 90 days or more
Bid/Tender Document Cost
Remarks AMF/751-A/4607/LOG (PC-04) dated 17-08-2024