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Online Submitted Tender

Organization Name

National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC)

Address NTC HQ, Sector F5/1
City Islamabad
Tel No. 051-9204090, 9209234
Fax No. 051-9213555
Receipt No 187967
Tender No HQ/ADV-01/2024-25 (Extension in Date)
Description Reference is made to our above mentioned tender notice published in daily ?The News? & ?Express? on 19th July, 2024 and uploaded on PPRA website. The deadline of tender is extended up to 10th September, 2024. Bid submission & opening time and other terms & conditions shall remain the same. The office of Director (Procurement) may be contacted for detail or any query.
Remarks Extension in Date
Advertisement Date 11/8/2024
Closing Date 10/9/2024
Closing Time 11:00:00 AM
Opening Time 11:30:00 AM
Tender Documents
Estimated Cost N/A
Tender Nature National
Earnest Money Refer RFT
Bid Validity 120
Bid/Tender Document Cost
Remarks Extension in Date