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Online Submitted Tender

Organization Name

Pakistan Marine Academy

Address Hawksbay Road Mauripur
City Karachi
Tel No. 021-9241201ext 219
Fax No. 021-9241206
Receipt No 187835
Description No. PMA.AO-TENDER/AUGUST/2024 06th August, 2024 TENDER NOTICE Sealed bids are invited from well reputed and authorized Dealers/Suppliers/Distributers registered with sales Tax and Income Tax Department for Procurement/ Repair & Maintenance of Office Furniture. Bidding documents can be obtained from the office of undersigned up to Friday, 23-08-2024 by 1000 hours on payments of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) (Non-Refundable), in the shape of pay order in favor of Pakistan Marine Academy (PMA), Karachi. Bidding documents can also be downloaded from PMA as website for which afore mentioned pay order shall be submitted along with proposals prior opening. Bids under the Single Stage One - Envelop, along with earnest money equivalent to 2% of total bid price, will be received up to by 1100 hours and same shall be opened on same day at 1130 hours. Any bid not accompanied by earnest money will be rejected without any right of appeal. Pakistan Marine Academy (PMA), Karachi reserves the rights to accepts or reject any bid as per PPRA rules. NAZIR AHMED LANJWANI Administrative Officer Tele # 021-99241201-5
Remarks N/A
Advertisement Date 6/8/2024
Closing Date 23/8/2024
Closing Time 11:00:00 AM
Opening Time 11:30:00 AM
Tender Documents
Estimated Cost 350000
Tender Nature National
Earnest Money 2
Bid Validity 30 days
Bid/Tender Document Cost
Remarks N/A