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Online Submitted Tender

Organization Name

Sui Southern Gas Company Limited

Address SSGC Head Office 2nd floor Near Civic Centre
City Karachi
Tel No. 021-99021279
Fax No. 021-9231583
Receipt No 188710
Tender No SSGC/LP/PT/2022837
Description Concrete Mixer Machine, Heavy Duty, Re-Inforced Angle Iron Frame, Four Stroke, Diesel Fuel Driven, Water Cooled engine, Single Cylinder, Complete with Fuel & Air Filtration System, 15 to 16HP, 1800 to 22OO RPM, Qty=02 Nos. (As per specification) (Manufacturer?s Original authority letter duly signed & stamped issued in favor of the bidder for participation in bid mentioning the offered machine) (Under Single Stage One Envelope Bidding Procedure).
Remarks Tender Documents are available at Tender Room.
Advertisement Date 2/9/2024
Closing Date 24/9/2024
Closing Time 12:30:00 PM
Opening Time 1:00:00 PM
Tender Documents No Attachment
Estimated Cost
Tender Nature National
Earnest Money Rs. 80,000/- (Fix Bid Bond)
Bid Validity 120 Days
Bid/Tender Document Cost
Remarks Tender Documents are available at Tender Room.